Monday, June 9, 2014

My Imperfection

My Imperfection

Just like the dew drops on the leaves,
Just like the gleaming sun on top of the misty mountains,
Just like the shining water on the horizon,
I see your face in the light of this all.

Take me to the reality, if I am astounded,
Push back the clouds, so I could see more,
Lend me a few souls, so I could live more,
I’m not obsessed, I’m just a little consumed by you.

I’m looking for a chance for the glances to meet,
So I could see me in her eyes,
I never had any faith in fate,
But this time I will take the stake.

You think you are so vulnerable,
But honey, no one’s that stable,
You've tinted your eyes, so no one could see,
Just open the window, so you could live.

The perfect life, is all they seek,
And you feel you are not fit to be,
But I don’t need any perfection,

Because you are my imperfection.

Black Sky


Never thought of seeing such a sun rise up,
A water so black fill up the cup,
An impending storm hovers up the sky,
Covering up the blue sky with a blanket of lies.

It’s a promise to kill them softly,
A plan that ended up costly,
A road meant to walk upon,
But gets paved by sinners on and on.

A place where liberation is achieved,
And freedom is always swayed,
Truth appears out of reach,
And even justice doesn't show up much.

Hope gets burned up in fire,
Ashes of it is the oxygen in which we respire,
Lies are being sold in white,
With the black truth hidden to show they are kind.

They’ll try to push us all down,
With hope to pull us up around,
They’ll give us the right to say,
But with a price to pay.

The blame game will go on a roll,
And a revolution will take its toll,
Answers doesn't seem to alter the vision,

Time has come to change the question.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


When there’s nowhere to go,
Down the memory lane,
The only place we knew,
Is childhood, which was insane.

The only time, when time didn’t matter,
A mind free to think beyond restrictions,
A dream never meant to shatter,
A life to live without limitations.

We saw life in lifeless things,
Reasons always went to sleep,
Followed a path without any meanderings,
Joy came in within a leap.

We felt everything by heart,
No one was above or below,
Playing outside always felt ambient,
Goodnight lullaby’s sounded mellow.

A little portion of knee was always scarred,
The green grass was our ally,
Optimism is what we believed,
Ran together in a rally.

And now those times has gone far away,
Remembrance is what left of it,
As moments goes day by day,

I miss every bit of it.

Friday, June 14, 2013


While reading the newsletters, I’m not laughing,
Because when it gets tense, i know what might happen,
Going through every word freezes my bones,
As the stories about the people who never came back home.

Little i knew, about those braves so far,
Who risked their lives, beyond that par,
The only colour they could see was red,
Splashing out of the wounds of the dead.

With each drop of blood that touched the soil,
Which replaced the sweats of toil,
They said they were not scared of the enemies,
As much as they feared watching burning skies.

Picking up pieces of flesh in their own hometown,
By the time the daylight seemed to drown,
And as the night approached much more closer,
They all walked in band like brothers.

Echoes of bullets firing was the only thing they heard,
A slight hope of silence came but disappeared,
Terrified every moment as it got longer,
Longing for the war to end sooner.

Finally, the day of liberation arrived,
Moments of joy upon the faces of who survived,
And after such long break of happiness from which they were kept away,
Respect is the only thing they want, they say.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Arrogance and Ego

I'm pretty sure that we might have come across these two words in the world around us whether literally or metaphorically in a general discussion.  But what comes out as a great source of confusion is that they are one and same thing or are they different entities altogether. In my view, both are way different from each other.Speaking in language of youth, both of them are not so compatible.

Where does this come from?Well, arrogance comes from a person's over - confidence and ego is the results of one's self esteem.People tend to fuse them together when it comes to pride.They take one's assertiveness as their selfishness.That is the part where they get confused and mix them together.
As mentioned earlier , arrogance comes from confidence.When someone is very sure that stuff works their way and whatever ideas other have about the same thing is not appropriate, it creates an disgusting view. It takes the form of over - confidence and as a result we never  give value to other opinions. 
As for ego, self esteem is the source from where it grows. We begin to think that we are better off than others or we are superior and the world around us is inferior.Ego starts building up  in our mind and then comes a point when it takes an ugly form.
So, in the end, before I conclude, a simple yet interesting question arises, ''Should we have ego,arrogance or whatever you may call it?".I'll say have them all, but only in moderate quantities. Be sure of your abilities, but don't be overconfident. As for ego, know what your level is but don't create standards. That is the only to have them both and yet not harm your personality.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

                       LAST SHOWER

                        In the remains of last shower,

                       That falls down upon the top of tower,

                      There's a reason i never know,

                     That comes from the far below.


                    There's an imbibation of emotion,

                   Which dries up soon without commotion,

                   As the last drop touch my skin,

                  The reason becomes clear of my sin.


                 Forgiveness isn't much of a boon,

                As the guilt comes too soon,

               Swallowing every fargment of my pride,

               Nothing seems to be on my stride.


             Time has come for the eventual sacrifice,
            For nothing could be simplified,
           The consequences could tear me apart,
          and no one could hear me chant.
          Looking outside the only windowpane,
         Any chance for explanation goes in vain,
        No one asks me to stay,
        as the sole gleam of life goes away.
        And now in my time of need,
       I put all the pieces in a heap,
      Drenching up in the last shower,
     and hope to clear all the memoirs.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

                                                                          SOUL RENEWAL

                  On the way to the road untraveled,
                 There’s no chance for redemption,
                I’m trying to buy a new soul,
               Something that won’t get me drenched me up like this.

                    How did I get here?
                   No fragments to recall,
                   I’m withering in confusion,
                   No guidance at all.

                   There’s a feeling that goes soon,
                  Lighten up by each ray of moon,
                 And as the darkness comes closer,
                 Life tends to become much clearer.

               Dreams are the sole reality,
               Real world doesn’t seem so catchy,
              In meantime, the feeling comes back again,
              But is snatched away by the gleams of brightness.

             Hope is seen in midst of abyss,
             Waves clamber over each other,
            To find the truth of happiness,
            But it comes to those who are a believer.