Saturday 20 April 2013

                       LAST SHOWER

                        In the remains of last shower,

                       That falls down upon the top of tower,

                      There's a reason i never know,

                     That comes from the far below.


                    There's an imbibation of emotion,

                   Which dries up soon without commotion,

                   As the last drop touch my skin,

                  The reason becomes clear of my sin.


                 Forgiveness isn't much of a boon,

                As the guilt comes too soon,

               Swallowing every fargment of my pride,

               Nothing seems to be on my stride.


             Time has come for the eventual sacrifice,
            For nothing could be simplified,
           The consequences could tear me apart,
          and no one could hear me chant.
          Looking outside the only windowpane,
         Any chance for explanation goes in vain,
        No one asks me to stay,
        as the sole gleam of life goes away.
        And now in my time of need,
       I put all the pieces in a heap,
      Drenching up in the last shower,
     and hope to clear all the memoirs.

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