Monday 9 June 2014

Black Sky


Never thought of seeing such a sun rise up,
A water so black fill up the cup,
An impending storm hovers up the sky,
Covering up the blue sky with a blanket of lies.

It’s a promise to kill them softly,
A plan that ended up costly,
A road meant to walk upon,
But gets paved by sinners on and on.

A place where liberation is achieved,
And freedom is always swayed,
Truth appears out of reach,
And even justice doesn't show up much.

Hope gets burned up in fire,
Ashes of it is the oxygen in which we respire,
Lies are being sold in white,
With the black truth hidden to show they are kind.

They’ll try to push us all down,
With hope to pull us up around,
They’ll give us the right to say,
But with a price to pay.

The blame game will go on a roll,
And a revolution will take its toll,
Answers doesn't seem to alter the vision,

Time has come to change the question.

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